Country 94 Joins the Map!
We are now less than a week away from Yellow Duck Day 2017 - the day we mark the anniversary of the project's launch. I vividly remember that day back in April 2014 when I anxiously checked my emails, desperately hoping that a duck would be reported as found somewhere in the world. When that first email came in (from Stockton-on-Tees, UK) it was a moment of huge celebration.
Then came the next get a duck reported from outside the UK! Within 24 hours that challenge had been met with a duck reported from the island of Guernsey in the Channel Islands and the next target was get a duck reported from outside Europe!We had to wait 9 days for that moment to occur (with a report from Indiana, USA) and from then on the numbers of countries and continents began to grow. Incredibly, with the first year of the project's launch we had received duck reports from every single continent in the world (including Antarctica!) and from 61 different countries.
Obviously after that, the numbers of new countries being added to the map began to slow down somewhat, but that only serves to make the occasions when it does occur all the sweeter.
So this morning, you can imagine my elation when I switched on the computer and saw that Jordan - country 94 - was to join the map! This was all thanks to one of our most diligent knitting volunteers, Terry Walters, who has now knitted over 700 ducks for us....yes, that's over 700!!
Terry's sister, Lesley, was off on holiday to Jordan, so Terry ensured she went armed with a little band of ducks to leave for others to find, and in the hopes that at least one might get reported back to us. Sure enough, this morning it did! Bob the duck was found at the Monastery (Ad-Deir), one of the legendary monuments of Petra, an ancient city dating back to the 1st Century BC that was named as one of the 7 New Wonders of the World in 2007.
Here's hoping that before too long, country 95 will join the map! Which one will it be?! If you can help us spread these little ducks around the world we would love you to get involved. Each one can spread some sunshine and happiness and - with any luck - perhaps even go on to save a life by encouraging someone to consider becoming a blood, bone marrow or organ donor. Let's keep the yellow ducks flying!